徒然草津生活 Since 2010 (2号館)

Weekly Topics/Archive
January 2021

Forecasts of the News that may occur in 2021    No.285-Jan.30, 2021

 The third wave of Covid-19 is finally reaching its peak with the arrival of winter.
Our class reunion “Ikoi-kai” decided not to have all the events with many members in this
winter season in consideration of the current serious Covid-19.

 Therefore, New Year Party in January was also cancelled.
However, only the annual event forecasting the news that may occure in the year is held
again this year.

 The result of the last year's News forecasts(Diary.965) will be announced soon after
review of the independent commission.

 My forecasts of the News that may occur in 2021 are summarized in the following table.

[Note] reach its peak ; ピークを迎える、 in consideration of 〜 ; 〜を考慮して、に鑑みて
 review of the independent commission ; 第三者委員会の審査

News that may occur in 2021 Forecast Correct answer
1 The Covid-19 pandemic will move toward an end as
a result of widespread vaccine.
2 In China, Xi Jinping regime will be replaced. ×
3 In North Koria, Kim Yo-jong will arrive in powera. ×
4 China will stop wolf warrior diplomacy and shift to
a mild policy.
5 US will withdraw her military bases from Okinawa. ×
6 The Constitution of Japan will be amended. ×
7 The Nikkei Stock Average will rise above 30000 yen
even temporarily.
8 Sumo wrestler “Takakeisho” will get promoted to the
highest rank of grand champion.
9 In the Japanese women's golf world, a player in the
platinum generation will top the money list.
10 In the Japanese professional baseball world, Lotte
pitcher Sasaki will throw over 170 Km/s
11 The Tokyo Olympic Games will be held.
12 The yen will apreciate and fall below 100 yen to the
13 The news about damage due to storm surge in many
parts of the world will come out frequently.
14 Giant typhoon with central pressure less than 920 hPa
will make landfall in Japan.
15 South Koria will shift to pro-Japan policy with the
change of Moon administration.
16 President Biden will be replaced by Kamala Harris
because of illness.
17 A large number of wild animals in Africa will die of
didease of unknown causes.
18 Eruption activity will begin on Mt.Fuji. ×
19 There will be a skirmish between Japan and China in
the East China Sea.
  The number of correct answers    
 (Note) If you anticipate that the news in the left column will occur, please put a circle(〇)
      in the forecast column. If not so, please put a cross(×).

[Note] Covid-19 pandemic ; コロナウイルス感染症の大流行、 move toward an end ; 終息に向かう
 widespread ; 広く行き渡った、普及した、vaccine ; ワクチン、 be replaced ; 交代する
 Xi Jinping regime; 習近平政権(regime; 政権)、  Kim Yo-jong ; 金与正
 arrive in power ; 権力の座に就く、wolf warrior diplomacy ; 戦狼外交、 withdraw ; 撤退させる
 military base ; 軍事基地、the Constitution of Japan ; 日本国憲法、 amend ; 改正する
 the Nikkei Stock Average ; 日経平均株価、 rise above 〜 ; 〜を突破する、越える
 even temporarily ; 一時的にでも、 get promoted to 〜 ; 〜に昇進(昇格)する
 grand champion ; 横綱、 platinum generation ; プラチナ世代、 top the money list ; 賞金王になる
 (top ; の頂上に登る、の最上位にある)、the yen appreciates ; 円高になる(appreciate ; 値上がりする)
 storm surge (tide, wave) ; 高潮、 come out ; 発表される、出てくる、central pressure ; 中心気圧
 make landfall ; (台風などが)上陸する、 pro-Japan ; 親日の、 Moon administration ; 文政権
 eruption activity ; 噴火活動、 skirmish ; 小競り合い、 East China Sea ; 東シナ海

 I had difficulties in forecast about Covid-19.
Considering that vaccination against Covid-19 will be carried out from the beginning of
March, I judged that Covid-19 will move toward an end and so the Tokyo Olympic Games
will be held.
But if the more infectious variant of Covid-19 than those found in England and South
Africa appears again, I don't know how they will turn out.

 Anyway, I just hope that New Year Party will be held next year and we will have an
opportunity to hear a report about the result of the forecast there.

[Note] have difficulties in 〜 ; 〜に苦労する、 considering that 〜 ; (that以下)〜を考慮して
 vaccination against 〜 ; 〜の予防(ワクチン)接種、 infectious ; 感染力のある、 variant ; 変異種
 turn out ; 〜の結果になる、〜という状態で終わる、 I just hope that 〜 ; 〜(that以下)を願うばかりです

Japanese Diary archive / No.1008-2021.01.05 /
