徒然草津生活 Since 2010 (2号館)

Weekly Topics/Archive
October 2021

Pulling weeds                           No.300-Oct.04,2021

 Since the Covid-19 catastrophe in the metropolitan area has calmed down, I returnd to
my home in Yokohama for about a week for a long interval.
I had several tasks in Yokohama and pulling weeds is one of the chores requested by my wife.

 Without asking me to pull weeds, she should do it herself, but she never does it.
When I ask her why she doesn't do that, she gives me some reasons.
They are to hate to hurt her back because of the work done by bending over, to be
bitten by insect such as mosquitoes, to get sunburned, to be troublesome, et.
So, pulling weeds is my job at home.

 As she said, weeds were growing here and there around the house, and some of them
were in bloom.

[Note] pull weeds ; 雑草を抜く、 calm down ; (気分、事態などが)落ち着く、沈静化する、 chore ; 雑用
 ask someone to do 〜 ; (人)に〜するように頼む、 hate to do 〜 ; 〜したくない
 hurt one's back ; 腰を痛める、 bend over ; 腰をかがめる、腰を曲げる、 troublesome ; 面倒くさい

                  Pls click the picture to see a full-size version.

Weeds growing in the garden ↑
Weeds growing in the passage
on the side of kitchen door →


Fork for weeding
 Today it is a good oppotunity for weeding because the
earth got soft with a little bit of rain that fell last night.
I wore a hat, gloves, and boots to weed and also put
repellent spray in advance on the exposed area of skin
not to be bitten by mosquitoes.

One fork for weeding is enough as the tool for weeding.
This tool with furcate tips
Using this tool with furcate tips,everyone can easily weed
with the principle of leverage.

 Yes, I didn't mow, but pull weeds.
It means pulling weeds with roots.

 It is easy to pull weeds because the earth after the rain was soft.
Even weeds with long roots and weeds stuck to the ground could be easily pulled out with
the help of the fork.

 Work pulling weeds is simple but arduous.
I did that for 2 hours in the morning and afternoon.
I weeded the palm-sized garden and the passage, but it took 2 days to complete.

 weed ; 雑草を取る、 put spray on 〜 ; 〜にスプレーをかける、 repellent spray ; 虫除けスプレー
 exposed area of skin ; 肌の露出部、 furcate ; 二つに分かれた、フォーク状の、 tip ; 先端
 principle of leverage ; テコの原理 (leverage ; てこ)、 mow ; 草を刈る
 stick to 〜 ; 〜に張り付く、 pull out ; 引き抜く、 arduous ; 根気がいる、 palm-sized ; 手のひらサイズの

 The following are photos before and after weeding.

The garden before and after weeding (2021.10.06_14:57)

The passage on the side of kitchen door
before and after weeding

 Since I perfectly removed weeds with roots, I wouldn't worry about weeds for some time
to come.
My wife says such nonsense that she couldn't see the flowers of weeds anymore.
However, even though weeds were perfectly pulled out,
It may be only a matter of time before weeds grow again due to the seeds that come
on the wind.

[Note] worry about 〜 ; 〜を(について・に関して)心配する、 for some time to come ; 今後しばらくの間
 for some time to come ; 今後しばらくの間、 anymore ; もはや(〜しない)、 今後は(〜しない)
 say nonsense ; たわけた(いいかげんな)ことを言う
 be only a matterof time before ; (before 以下)なのはもう時間の問題である
 come on the wind ; 風に乗ってやって来る

Japanese Diary-2.archive / No.1050-2021.10.06 / 「草むしり」
