徒然草津生活 Since 2010 (2号館)

Weekly Topics/Archive
July 2021

My treatment record of clavicle and rib fractures(6)
  --Verification of ultrasonic therapy as a fracture treatment method--

                                     No.297-Jul.18, 2021

 It's been 2 weeks since I started ultrasonic fracture therapy at my home.
I do it for 20 minutes beforeI going to bed every day.
I feel these 20 minutes are too long and painful.

 As I described it on my blog Diary-2.1036, I have to put my right hand around my
neck, apply the probe of the therapy apparatus to the fractured part of the left clavicle
exactly, and focus on it for 20 minutes so that it doesn't shift.

 In the set of therapy apparatus, there is actually a probe fixing band for attaching the
probe to the affected area, but in my case, since the affected area is the left clavicle
and it's difficult for me to attach it there accuratetly, I'm forced to do such a complicated

[Note] therapy apparatus ; 治療器、 clavicle ; 鎖骨、 focus on 〜 ; 〜に集中(注視)する
 shift / be out of position ; (位置・方向などが)ずれる、変わる、 so that 〜 ; 〜できるように
 probe fixing band ; プローブ固定バンド、 affected area ; 患部、 complicated ; 面倒な、複雑な
 be forced to do 〜; 〜することを余儀なくされている、

 If my wife is by my side at the time, she will check every 5 minutes to see whether
the probe is out of position, so I can kill time while watching a TV show, even though
I'm stuck.
However, it is the worst if she isn't by my side.
It's because I have to check by myself to see whether the probe dosn't shift and so
move to a narrow washroom with a mirror and spend 20 minutes there for therapy.

 It's depressing to think that such therapy must be done for a long period, at least
3 months , until the bones stick together.
And it would be good if this therapy could cure the fracture, but since I'm this age,
it woud be disastrous if it didn't cure.
I am becoming gradually skeptical about whether this method of therapy is okay.

[Note] by one's side ; (人の)そばに、近くに、 kill time ; 時間をつぶす
 watch a TV show ; TV番組を見る、 be stuck ; 身動きがとれない
 depressing ; 憂鬱な、気がめいるような、 atick together ; (物と物が)くっつく
 disastrous ; 悲惨な、 skeptical about 〜 ; 〜について懐疑的な

 Ultrasonic theraphy has been demonstrated in clinical trials and is a medical
treatment approved by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare as an advanced
treatment method.
Insurance coverage is currently approved for the therapy of refractory fractures.
From these facts, I may just assume that it is a scientific therapy.

 So, since I wanted to see the principle of the therapy and validity for fracture therapy,
I decided to examine them.
I thought that if I understood the principle, my credibility for this therapy would be further

 The therapy apparatus I use is called Accellus ultrasonic therapy apparatus.
According to the attached booklet, the technological specifications are as shown
in the table below.

[Note]  in a clinical trial ; 臨床試験で、medical treatment ; 医療、治療(法)
 approve ; 承認する、 Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare ; 厚労省
 advanced treatment method ; 先進治療法、 insurance coverage ; 保険の補償(適用)
 assume ; (〜と)思い込む、(〜と)見なす、 refractory ; 〔病気・けがなどが〕難治性の
 principle ; 原理、 credibility ; 信頼性、 booklet ; 小冊子

Technological specification of Accellus ultrasonic therapy apparatus
Body dimensions L×W×H = 160mm×110mm×45mm
Body weight Approximately 435 g
Rated input Power input ; 4.8 V DC
Type and degree of protection against electric shock Internally powered equipment、Type BF equipment
Ultrasonic output (Ultrasonic energy passing through unit area) 30 mW/cm2, 60 mW/cm2
Oscillating frequency
(Frequency generated by the oscillator circuit)
1.5 MHz
Pulse repetition frequency
(Pulse frequency)
1 KHz
Pulse width, Duty factor 200 μS, 20 %
Effective irradiation area 3.88 cm2
(Note.1) One of the type classifications of safety standards for medical electrical

 technological specification ; 技術仕様、 ultrasonic therapy apparatus ; 超音波治療装置
 body dimensions ; 本体寸法、 rated input ; 定格入力、 electric shock ; 電撃、感電
 pulse repetition frequency ; パルス幅繰返し周波数
 effective irradiation area ; 有効照射面積

 This medical equipment oscillates high-frequency(1.5MHz) electric vibration with the
supplied power supply, and drives ultrasonic transducer built in the probe via the output
controll circuit.
The low-powered (30mW/cm2 or 60mW/cm2) ultrasonic pulses for treatment are
intermittently radiated by oscillation energy generated by driving ultrasonic transducer.
After travelling straight-ahead , their pulses are applied to the affected area 1000
times per second to stimulate osteoblasts(Note.2) and promote bone uniion.
I understood this method of therapy is based on Wolff's Law.
(Note.2) Cells with the function of creating new bones in the process of bone
      remodeling, which is the metabolism of bone

 Let me explain Wolff's Law.
I searched it on wikipedia, but it was not the Japanese version but the English one.
With my English comprehension, it takes time to read and it is troublesome, so I tried
to collect information from the internet.
When their information is put together, Wolff's Law is as follows.

[Note] electric vibration ; 電気振動、ultrasonic transducer ; 超音波振動子
 built in 〜 ; 〜に内蔵された、 intermittently ; 断続的に、 drive ; 駆動する(させる)
 travel straight-ahead ; 直進する、 osteoblast ; 骨芽細胞、 bone union ; 骨癒合
 metabolism ; 新陳代謝、 comprehension ; 読解(理解)力、 troublesome ; 面倒な
 put 〜 together ; 〜をまとめる

Wolff's Law
  This is the law that the German anatomist Julius Wolff(1836-1902) advocated in the
 19th century.

 He stated that whether the bone is normal or abnormal, it develops the most suitable
 structure to resist the forces applied on it.

  In other words, when an external force is applied to the bone, stress is generated
 inside the bone and the bone is distorted, and the larger the stress, the more the
 bone tissue grows and the part becomes thicker and stronger and resists the
 external force.
 This process is called bone remodeling.

  In this way, the most suitable bone morphology and structure for external forcees
 is completed.
 The mechanism is thought to be that when bone is distorted by an external force,
 a piezoelectric voltage is generated there by the piezoelectric effect, calcium ions
 collect at the cathode, and osteoblasts form bone tissue.

  Since fractures occur at the site where the bone is most distorted by external force,
 when an appropriate external force is applied after the bone is reduced by surgery,
 bone growth occurs at the site where the strain is greatest, that is, the fractureed
 part, and recovery is promoted.
 The law also applies to normal bone formation.

[Note] anatomist ; 解剖学者、 adovocate ; 提唱する、 external force ; 外力
 stress ; 応力、 distort ; 歪ませる、変形させる、 bone tissue ; 骨の組織、 grow more ; 増殖する
 remodeling ; リモデリング、改造、 in this way ; このようにして、 morphology ; (生物)形態
 piezoelectric voltage ; ビエゾ電圧、 osteoblast ; 骨芽細胞、 distorted ; 歪んだ
 reduce ; (医)(けがをした部位を)整復する、 bone growth ; 骨の増殖
 apply to 〜 ; 〜当てはまる、適用される

 I understood that an ultrasonic fracture therapy apparatus was devised to promote
fracture therapy by realizing Wolff's Law.
However, as a general rule, the therapy is specified to be performed once a day for
20 minutes.
I don't know how this therapy time rule was set.
I think that it is decided by the patience of the therapist and the capacity of the
rechargeable battery.

 After all, I decided to believe the ultrasonic therapy.
Those who believe shall be saved.
But it's grueling to think that I have to treat for 3 months.

[Note] fracture therapy apparatus ; 骨折治療器、 devise ; 考案する
 as a general rule ; 原則として、 specify ; 〔条件として〜を〕規定する、〔〜を仕様書]に定める
 therapist ; 治療者、 rechargeable battery ; 充電池
 Those who believe shall be saved. ; 信ずる者は救われる、grueling ; (精神的・肉体的に〕つらい

Japanese Diary-2.archive / No.1038-2021.07.13 / 「鎖骨&肋骨の骨折治療記(6)
