Weekly Topics/Archive
May 2021 |
Today, I have completed the COVID-19 vaccination by Kusatsu City for the elderly
aged 65 and over.
I'm uploading how it goes just for your information.
I walked down toward the nearest bus stop with everything it takes to
vaccination and with clothes that made it easy to put out my shoulders.
Things to bring on the day of caccination is the following three-piece
set (four-piece
set for the elderly with disease or underlying disease).
@Coupon (Vaccination tickets)------Tickets sent from the city hall
APreliminary medical examination form (Prevaccination screening questionnair
COVID-19 vaccine)-----To check the appropriate box about your current health
condition, etc. and sign the inoculation consent form
BIdentification documents-----Driver's license, health insurance card,
CWritten opinion about vaccination by family doctor-----Opinion about
whether or not
to receive the vaccine only for the elderly with disease or underlying
[Note] vaccination ; ワクチン接種、 just for your information ; ご参考までに
walk down toward 〜; 〜の方へ歩いて行く、 everything it takes to 〜 ; 〜するのに必要な全て
receive vaccination ; ワクチン接種を受ける、 make it easy to 〜 ; 〜しやすい、 〜しやすくする
underlying didease ; 基礎疾患 (underlying ; 潜在する、基本的な)
preliminary medical examination form ; 予診票 (preliminary ; 予備の、事前準備の)
prevaccination ; ワクチン接種前の、 screening questionnair ; スクリーニング質問票
check the appropriate box ; 該当箇所[□]にチェックマークを付ける、
written opinion ; 意見書、 family doctor ; かかりつけ医
Kusatsu City provides cyclic bus service bound for two vaccine mass inoculation
venues for those who are vaccinated.
I'm grateful that I can receive a free round-trip boarding service when
I go to the
nearest bus stop.
There are 3 round-trip bus services on Saturdays and 7round-trip ones on
about every hour during the vaccination period.
[Note] provide bus service ; バスを運行する、 cyclic bus ; 巡回バス
vaccine mass inoculation venue ; ワクチン集団接種会場 (inoculation ; 接種、予防接種)
be vaccinated ; ワクチンを受ける、 grateful ; 有り難く思う、感謝している
round-trip ; 往復の
The bus route map and timetable sign
bound for the inoculation venues at the nearest bus stop (2021.05.15_13:15) |
I got to Kusatsu City hall where is the vaccination venue in about 20
I waited for about 20 minutes on the bench in the ground-floor entrance
hall until the
scheduled reception time.
Those who are vaccinated waiting in the entrance hall (2021.05.15_13:56) |
A reception form with several question items was distributed during standby
and I checked the appropriate box among options.
Their items are vaccination site, posture, availability of disinfector
(alcohol) and etc.
[Note] reception form ; 受付票、 vaccination site/posture ; ワクチン接種部位/姿勢
availability of disinfector ; 消毒薬の利用可能性
Reception form for COVID-19 vaccination (2021.05.15_14:15) |
At 14:00, a group of about 50 to 60 people who had made reservation in
this time
zone for vaccination was called to the reception hall and then received
an explanation about the flow of inoculation.
According to the venue staff, it takes about an hour to complete the inoculation
and the
flow is as follows.
@Reception ⇒APrevaccination medical interview ⇒BVaccination
⇒CWaiting (for at least 15 minutes) ⇒DDelivery of certificate of vaccination
At reception booth (all six booths), I showed my three-piece set to the
staff and was
checked whether or not to be inoculation applicable person.
[Note] medical interview ; 問診、certificate of vaccination ; ワクチン接種済証
inoculation applicable person ; 接種該当者 (applicable ; 適用可能な、該当する)
After that, we went to the second-floor main conference room where is inoculation
First, we receive a medical interview from the doctor.
There are 6 partitioned pre-examination (medical interview) booths.
The first comers were sitting in chairs and waiting their turn.
After waiting for about 5 minutes, I entered the booth at a sign from the
guiding staff.
The doctor was checking my preliminary examination form while asking me
some question.
He said to me, “You are healty! Don't you usually take medicine? Most people
in your age take a couple of medicines”.
The medical interview ended in a few minutes.
[Note] partitioned ; パーテイションされた、分割した、 first comer ; 先着者
wait (for) one's turn ; 自分の順番を待つ、 giiding staff ; 誘導係(スタッフ)
at a sign from ; (人)の合図で
Then, I moved to the vaccination site.
There were also six partitioned inoculation booths here.
I understood that the series of inoculation flows is operated in 6 lanes
at the
vaccination venue in Kusatsu City.
As the guiding staff called my reception number after waiting for 10 minutes or so,
I entered the inoculation booth.
I took off my jacket to open right shoulder which is my inoculation site.
I received the following fresh vaccination from a female nurse.
[Note] take off one's jacket ; 上着を脱ぐ、 get a vaccine ; ワクチン接種を受ける
nurse ; 看護師、 Expiration date ; 最終有効年月日(消費期限)
She wondered because I tried to vaccinate my right shoulder.
I didn't tell her that I would like to do so because my left clavicle was
broken and
it hurted, but replied that I was determined to do so.
Though the inoculators looked painful in the TV inoculation scene, I felt
a tiny prick
for a second and hardly felt a thing.
[Note] wonder ; 不思議に思う、感嘆する、 vaccinate ; (〜に)ワクチン接種をする
clavicle ; 鎖骨、 be determined to do 〜 ; 〜しょうと心に決めている
in the TV inoculation scene ; TVの接種シーンでは、 inoculator ; 接種者
feel a tiny prick ; 少しチクッとする (prick ; 刺すこと)、hardly feel a thing ; ほとんど何も感じない
After that, I moved to the waiting place.
It's said there are anaphylaxis and vasovagal reflex as rare symptoms that develop
shortly after the vaccination.
All the inoculators are obliged to wait for more than 15 minutes to see
what is going on.
[Note] anaphylaxis ; アナフィラキシー(全身性のアレルギー反応)
vasovagal reflex ; 血管迷走神経反射、 symptom ; 症状、 develop ; 発現する
shortly (promptly) after 〜 ; 〜の直後に、 be obliged to do 〜 ; 〜することを義務づけられている
see what is going on ; 事の成り行きを見る
View of waiting space after vaccination and booth for delivering certificate of vaccination
(2021.05.15_14:47) |
Certificate of Vaccination for
COVID-19 (2021.05.15) |
After waiting for 15 minutes, I went to the booth where
the certificates of vaccination for COVID-19 were
When I gave my coupon to the female staff, she handawrote the vaccination
date and place in the
column of the first vaccination certificate of the
coupon, and also put a label with the manufacturer
name, vaccine name, and serial number of the
inoculated vaccine on the same column.
I got the certificate and an advisory note after
vaccination to complete the first vaccination.
[Note] issue (deliver) ; 交付する、給付する、 handwrite ; 手書きする
put a label on 〜 ; 〜にラベルを貼る、 advisory note ; 注意書き
It was a short hour of vaccination, but well-controlled and carried out
in a smooth
It's rude to everyone involved in the COVID-19 vaccination project in Kusatsu
to say that it may be going well because of being small rural city with
a population of
about 130,000.
Well, it was in excellent control.
Thanks everyone!
[Note] in a smooth flow ; スムーズな流れで、 rude to someone ; (人)に失礼で或る
involved in 〜 ; (活動など)〜に従事(関与)している、with a population of 〜 ; 人口〜人の
Anyway, this is the COVID-19 vaccination for the elderly aged 65 and older.
In the venue, I can see the elderly not only with an attendant but also
in a wheelchair.
No one knows what will happen on that day, so I thought it was quite possiblie
there would be a sudden cancellation.
It is a waste to dispose of the valuable vaccines left over from the cancellation,
so I want the city to make effective use of them with advance notice of
how to use
them to citizens.
[Note] attendant ; 付添人、 wheelchir ; 車椅子
it's quite possible that〜 ; 〜(that以下)の可能性は十分にある、
it is a waste to do 〜 ; 〜するのはもったいない、 dispose of 〜 ; 〜を廃棄する
left over from 〜 ; 〜の使い残しの、 with advance notice of 〜 ; 〜を事前に通知した上で
The other day I completed my second vaccination reservation on the Net.
It is scheduled on June 6 after 3 weeks.
As with the first reservation, it is a gift of sitting in front of my PC
and making a
reservation before it starts.
Especially, it's the world on a first-come-first-served basis.
[Note] as with 〜 ; 〜と同様に、 on a first-come-first-served basis ; 早い者勝ちの(で)
Since I wanted to get vaccinated as soon as possible, I have concentrated
on making
reservations for vaccination.
The reason is as follows.
ItS said Indian variant of COVID-19 (L452R, E484Q) has already landed in
and has higher infectivity, severty and mortality than current mainstream U.K. variant
I feel it's just a matter of time before U.K.variant replace Indian one.
We have to prevent a repeat of Indian accident.
[Note] get vaccined ; ワクチン接種を受ける、 concentrate on 〜 ; 〜に集中する
Indian variant of COVID-19 ; COVID-19のインド型変異種 (variant ; 変異体)
infectivity ; 感染力、 severity ; 重症化率(度)、 mortality ; 死亡率
feel it's just a matter of time before 〜 ; (before以下)〜は時間の問題だと思う
prevent a repeat of 〜 ; 〜の二の舞を回避する
It is demonstrated in the laboratory that antibodies are reduced by one-third
in Indian
variant even though you got a COVID-19 vaccine made by Pfizer.
(Reference) SARS-CoV-2の変異株B.1.617系統について(第2報) NIID国立感染症研究所
Therefore, we should not neglect the past infection countermeasures even
though we
got vaccinated.
[Note] anti body ; 抗体、免疫体、 be reduced by one-third ; 1/3に低下する
get a vaccine ; ワクチンを接種する
NIID ; National Institute of Infectious Diseases / 国立感染症研究所
infection countermeasure ; 感染対策
Japanese Diary archive / No.1026-2021.05.15 /
Recently, I have more opportunities to put the treatment record in my
This time, I upload about the treatment of bruise and fracture caused by
rolling over
from my bicycle.
I think that this fracture is attributed to Covid-19 catastrophe.
It's because my motor nerves became dull due to lack of exercise due to
having had
many stay-home oppotunities in adition to my aging.
[Note] treatment record ; 治療記、 clavicle ; 鎖骨、 fracture ; 骨折(する)、 rib ; 肋骨
bruise ; 打撲、打撲する、 roll over ; 横転する、 be attributed to 〜 ; 〜のせいである
motor nerves ; 運動神経、 dull ; 鈍感な、動作が鈍い
As a matter of fact, when I tried to hop on my bicycle to go home after
shopping on
March 29, I lost my balance, rolled over from it, knocked myself and bruised
from my shoulder to flank.
I thought that the pain in my shoulder and flank was due to a simple bruise.
However, even 3~4 days after the accident, not only did the pain not go
away, but
the area around the clavicle on my left shoulder has been swollen and I
couldn't raise
my left hand and also turn over in bed.
I thought this was strange, so I decided to undergo a detailed examination
[Note] as a matter of fact ; 実は、実を言うと、 hop on one's bicycle ; 自転車に飛び乗る
loose one's balance ; バランスを崩す、 roll over ; 横転する、 knock oneself ; 強打する
bruise ; 打撲、打撲する、 flank ; (動物や人間の)脇腹、 the pain goes away ; 痛みが引く
swell/swelled/swollen ; (けがなどで患部が)腫れる、 turn over in bed ; 寝返りを打つ
undergo (have) a detailed examination ; 精密検査を受ける
There was an orthopedic clinic near my home.
But it didn't have enough medical equipments to have a detailed examination.
So when I searched on the Net, I found a suitable clinic called N orthopedics
near JR Minami-Kusatsu Station.
It can handle general orthopedics in addition to sports orthopedics and
also has a
rehabilitation facility, so I chose this clinic.
Speaking to orthopedics, I have undergone treatment of lower back pain
in Yokohama. This is the first time for me to undergo an orthopedic clinic for an injury.
From X-ray photographs taken at N clinic, it turned out that I have broken left
clavicle and 8th rib.
[Note] orthopedic clinic ; 整形外科医院、 orthopedics ; 整形外科
not have enough 〜 to do ; 〜がいまいちだ、 lower back pain ; 腰痛
injury ; (交通事故などの自然発生的な)けが、外傷
it turns out that 〜 ; (that以下)〜ということが分かる(判明する)
have(have got) a broken(fractured) 〜 : 〜を骨折している
 |
Location of fracture (@ Left clavicle & A 8th rib on the left) |
When I asked my doctor for tratment method, he replied that he would leave
it to
conservative treatment, a spontaneous cure.
I recieved a prescription for loxoprofen tablets as a painkiller, rebamipide
tablets as
a stomach medicine, loxoprofen sodium tapes as a transdermal analgesic.
I have been seen in this clinic twice so far to have the progress of the
part examined with X-ray photos.
[Note] leave something to 〜 ; 〜にまかせる、委ねる、 conservative treatment ; 保存治療
spontaneous cure ; 自然治癒、 prescription for 〜; 〜の処方箋、painkiller ; 痛み止め、鎮痛剤
loxoprofen ; ロキソプロフェン、 rebamipide ; リバピミド
loxoprofen sodium ; ロキソプロフェンナトリウム、 transdermal analgesics ; 経皮鎮痛薬
be seen in a clinic ; クリニックを受診する、 have the progress examined ; 経過を診てもらう
so far ; これまで
And today I have the third examination.
Looking at the X-ray photos taken before an exanination, my doctor told
me that
the rib is in fair condition, but the gap of the fractured part of the clavicle was getting
bigger and worse.
In addition, he told me to visit Oumikusatsu Tokushukai Hospital (T hospital)
with his
letter of introduction to have a detailed examination.
Accordingly, I visited T hospital right with his letter and a CD containing
X-ray image
I looked at the X-ray image with my young doctor, while explaining him
what's been
going so far.
[Note] have an examination ; 診察を受ける、 be in fair condition ; まずますの状態で
be getting worse ; 悪化する、 Oumikusatsu Tokusyukai Hospital ; 近江草津徳洲会病院
letter of introduction ; 紹介状、 accordingly ; それで、その結果
what's been going on so far ; これまでの経緯 (go on ; 起こる、発生する、 so far ; これまで)
According to my doctor, depending on how the X-ray is taken, it may not
possible to judge the condition of the affected area from the image.
He recommended me to have a CT image taken because this X-ray image alone
would not be enough to judge it.
After that, I recieved an explanation about the current fracture condition
and how to
treat it, while looking at CT images again with him.
[Note] it may not be possible to do 〜 ; 〜することができない可能性がある
affected area ; (医) 患部
As might be expected of CT image, it doesn't take a doctor to see the
condition clearly.
I had a diagonal fracture near the center of the clavicle.
In orthopedic terminology, it's called the diagonal midclaviclar fracture.
He said the clavicle is mechanically prone to fracture near the center
because it's
Since the shaft of clavicle is a place where the fractured bones tend to stick together,
they finally stick together even though there is a bit of gap between them,
he also said.
[Note] as might be expected of 〜 ; さすがに〜だけあって
it doesn't take a doctor to 〜 ; 〜するには医者である必要はない、〜は誰だって(素人にも)できる
diagonal ; 斜めの、傾いた、 orthomedic ; 整形外科の、 terminology ; 専門用語
midclaviclar fracture ; 中央部鎖骨骨折、 mecanically ; 力学的に
be prone to do 〜 ; 〜する傾向がある、〜しがちな、 elongated ; 細長い
shaft of clavicle ; 鎖骨骨幹部 (shaft ; 骨幹、長骨の中央部)
stick together ; (物と物が)くっつく
While he look at the enlarged CT image of the fracture, he gave me his
view that
a thin film is being formed between the gap.
He said the treatment options include time-consuming conservative therapy
surgery for rapid treating.
It takes about 3 months to cure with conservative therapy.
[Note] give 〜 one's view ; 〜(人)に所見を述べる, treatment option ; 治療の選択肢
time-consuming ; 時間のかかる、 conservative treatment (therapy) ; 保存療法
There are two methods of surgery.
(1) Intramedullary fracture fixation method
This is a metod of fixing the fracture from the inside of the bone.
Actually a long metal rod (made of titanium) is inserted in the center
of the bone
through an incision in the shoulder near the affected area.
However, this carries the risk of general anesthesia during surgery.
(2)Plate fixing method
This is a metod of fixing the fracture from the outside of the bone.
Actually, a metal plate is screwed to the fractured clavicle through
an incision
along it.
However, the nerves running at the right angle to clavicle is cut during
surgery, so
there is a risk that the the sensation near the breast may be slightly
[Note] intramedullary fracture fixation method ; 髄内骨折固定法
intramedullary ; (医)髄内の、be inserted through an incision in 〜 ; 〜を切開して挿入される
carry a risk of 〜 ; 〜のリスクを伴う、 general anesthesia ; (医)全身麻酔
plate fixing method ; プレート固定法、 screw ; をネジで留める、 nerve ; 神経
sensation ; 感覚、知覚、 be paralyzed ; 麻痺する
I told my doctor that I don't want to have such a risky surgery.
When I chose conservative therapy, he said, “Let's see how the bones will
Furthermore, he said, “you should perhaps consider the surgery when the
won't stick together well even after 3 months.”
Also every patient can make use of ultrasonic therapy metod in that case.
According to him, the speed of bone adhesion can be accelerated by 30 to
40 % by
applying weak ultrasonic waves.
When I asked him if I don't have to immobilize my clavicle with a dedicated
supporter though I'm careful not to move my left hand, he replied to me
the accademic papers report almost no significant difference whether the
is worn or not.
I could accept that.
[Note] ultrasonic therapy method ; 超音波治療法、 bone adhesion ; 骨癒合
accelerate ; 加速させる、を早める、 immobilize something with 〜 ; (物)を〜で固定する
immobilize ; 動かなくさせる、(医)を固定する、 dedicated ; (機能などが)専用の
accademic paper ; 学術論文
almoost no significant difference ; ほとんど有意差が無いこと
And I came to have an examination again on May 12 after 2 weeks.
As expected, T hospital is differrent from the town clinic.
It was meaningful for me to get various information and knowledge about
the fracture
condition and method of therapy.
I intend to check if I can get ultrasonic thrapy for curing quickly.
Well, anyway, it seems that the annoying days will continue for a long
Damn, coronavirus!
[Note] meaningful ; 有意義な、 get ultrasonic therapy ; 超音波治療を受ける
annoying ; 鬱陶しい、 damn! ; こん畜生
Japanese Diary archive / No.1024-2021.05.02 /