Weekly Topics/Archive
February 2021 |
I underwent a tooth extraction on January 29 of the previous visit.
Today I visited M dental clinic to remove the stitches.
After asking the director about a quotation on the implant prosthetic treatment I received
last time, including some dental terminologies in it, I agreed to undergo
the implantation
proposed by him.
I saw and heard the word “補綴”in Japanese , prosthetic in English for the first time.
I didn't know how to read it, so when I looked it up in the dictionary,
it seems to be read
as a prosthetic.
It means to make up for the missing portion of the body with a artificial
[Note] my implantation journal ; 私のインプラント治療記
tooth extraction ; 抜歯、 remove the stitches ; 抜糸する (stitch ; 縫い糸)
director ; 院長、 quotation ; 見積書、 implant prosthtic tratment ; インプラント補綴治療
terminology ; 専門用語、 prosthetic ; 補綴(ほてつ)、 補綴の、 look up ; 調べる
make up for ; (不足、損失など)を補う
Implant prosthodontics means the dental implan itself.
It means a method of treatment for recovering an original function of a
tooth and its
physical appearance, by embedding an artificial tooth root (implant) made
from Titanium
in the missing portion of tooth and connecting an artificial crown with
an abudment.
[Note] implant prosthodontics ; インプラント補綴、 physical appearance : 見た目、外見
artificial crown ; 歯冠、 abudment ; アバットメント、支台歯
Once the story is decided, it goes fast.
A dental hygienist went straight to take an impression of my tooth.
It was done by covering the upper and lower jaws separately with a clay-like
Strictly speaking, this material is called a silicon rubber impression
material, and
they say it is made from silicon rubber.
Taking a tooth mold is called “印象”in Japanese, an impression in English in the dental
That really is a impressive terminology, isn't that ?
I waited for about 3 to 5 minutes after being covered with the impression
It hardened at body temperature and my tooth mold was completed.
That's all for today.
My next visit is scheduled for February 22.
[Note] dental hygienist ; 歯科衛生士、 go straight to do 〜 ; 早速〜に取りかかる
take an impression of one's tooth ; 人の歯型を取る (impression : <歯科の>印象(歯型))
upper jaw ; 上顎(うわあご)、 clay-like ; 粘土のような、take a tooth mold ; 歯型を取る
tooth mold ; 歯型、 That's all for today. ; 今日はここまで、今日はこれで終わりです
Japanese Diary archive / No.1012-2021.02.10 / 「インプラント治療(1)」
As we get older, our physical aging process is accelerated.
I feel it has been especially remarkable in the past year
I suppose that it results from drastic decrease in oppotunities to move
my body due to
long stay-home and refraining voluntarily from outdoor sports like my favorite
golf and
cycling because of Covid-19 catastrophe.
In my case, its concrete examles are backache and dental problem.
Since there arn't any absolute methods for treating backache, I have no
choice but to
depend on natural healing as usual.
My tooth trouble is falling-out of a denture applied to a front tooth and
molars of the upper
jaw in the past.
[Note] dental implantation; 歯科インプラント治療
physical aging process ; 肉体の老化プロセス、 remarkable ; 顕著な
I suppose that 〜 ; 〜(that 以下)じゃないかと思う、 result from 〜 ; 〜に起因する
decrease in opportunities to do 〜 ; 〜する機会の減少
refrain voluntarily from 〜 ; 〜を自粛する concrete example ; 具体例
method for treating 〜 ; 〜の治療方法、 natural healing ; 自然治癒
have no choice but to do 〜; する以外に選択肢がない、〜するしかない
falling-out ; (歯,毛などの)脱落、 denture ; 差し歯、 molars ; 臼歯、 jaw ; 顎(あご)
These two dentures fell out alternately during this New Year season.
I had them glued with cement at my dental clinic near my home.
It looks like their dental roots have been worn out.
So, they fell out again after several days.
[Note] fall out ; (歯などが)抜け落ちる、 glue with 〜 ; 〜で接着する、 dental root ; 歯根
worn out ; 摩耗した、擦り切れた、ぼろぼろになった
According to my dentist, the preffered method for treating is a bridge
or an implant.
If it's a bridge, I will have to grind my teeth.
After careful consideration, I decided to get an implant treatment.
When I expressed to him my opinion that I will intend to get the implant
at another fully equipped specialist clinic with a skill , he accepted
[Note] preffered method ; 推奨の方法、 grind a tooth ; 歯を削る
after careful consideration ; 熟慮の末、 get treatment ; 治療を受ける
fully equipped ; 設備の充実した、 specialist clinic ; 専門医院
I kew from the Internet that there is a certification system of an oral
implant specialist
in Japanese Society of Oral Implantology.
When I searched the Internet for dental clinic with such a specialist in
and around Kusatsu
City, I found several appropriate ones.
I narrowed down to two specialist clinics in Otsu and Moriyama City from
Ultimately, I decided to get the implant treatment at M clinic located
in Moriyama City
which is easily accessible by train from Kusatsu.
In addition, M clinic has a track record of many implant surgeries and
the newest
equipments necessary for the implantation like dental CT scanner and also
I felt
familiarity with the director of the clinic since he was from the same
university's department
of dentistry as me.
[Note] certification system ; 認定制度、 oral implant specialist ; 口腔インプラント専門医
Japanese Society of Oral Implantology ; 日本口腔インプラント学会
search the Internet for 〜 ; 〜を見つけようとインターネットを検索する
appropriate ; ふさわしい、該当する、 narrow down to 〜 ; 〜に絞る
be easily accessible ; 簡単にアクセスできる、 a track record of 〜 ; 〜の実績
dental CT scanner ; 歯科用CTスキャナー、 feel familiarity with 〜 ; 〜に親しみを感じる
department of dentistry ; 歯学部 (dentistry ; 歯科)
As they say, never hesitate to do what you think is right.
I visited M clinic with a letter of introduction for the first time after
my reservation.
I expressed my intention to get the implant treatment after explainning
my circumstances
to the director.
I got both dental X-ray and CT-scan immediately.
After that, I recieved an explanation about the recommendations for the
based on video picture displayed on the monitor.
[Note] As they say ; 諺にもあるように、 never hesitate to do what you think is right ;
express one's intention to 〜 ; 〜するという意向を表明する
explain the circumstances to 〜 ; 〜に事情を説明する、 get a dental X-ray ; 歯科X線検査を受ける
recommendations for an implant treatment ; インプラント治療法の提言
X ray of my tooth (Troubled false tooth×2, Scheduled implant locations×4) |
I was planning to have two troubled dentures pulled out to get the implant
However, the director recommended me to implant a total of four artificial
teeth to a part
where the upper troubled tooth (A) is pulled out this time and its next
missing part of
molar, in addition to missing parts of two lower molars on the right side.
He said it's because the lack of molars put a strain on the remaining teeth
next to them
when chewing food, resulting in more detective teeth.
[Note] have a tooth pulled out ; 歯をぬいてもらう、 artificial tooth ; 人工歯
molar ; 大臼歯、 put a strain on 〜 ; 〜に負担をかける、 result in 〜 ; (結果的に)〜をもたらす
defective ; 欠陥のある、不具合のある
As for the troubled upper front false tooth (@), the condition of jawbone
located at its
root needed to be check closely.
So, the desition of whether or not he give me the implant treatment became
a future
From my preliminary research, I know that the cost of an implantation
is about
300,000 〜400,000 yen per tooth because it isn't covered by insurance
Since the number of implants is likely to increase unexpectedly, which
will increase
the cost, I feel quite confused.
For now, I had an aching tooth (A) pulled out.
Anyway, since I was convinced by his suggestions, I asked him to give me
the quotation.
Since the cost of the implantation per tooth was within my expectations,
I was relieved
for now.
[Note] jawbone ; 顎骨、consideration ; 検討事項、 preliminary research ; 事前調査
be not covered by insurance ; 保険が適用されない、 feel confused ; 困惑する、戸惑いを感じる
be convinced by 〜 ; 〜に納得する、 for now ; さしあたり、 be likely to 〜; 〜しそうである
quotation ; 見積書、 within one's expectations ; 人の想定内
I decided to answer him where I want to implant on my next visit for removing
Though I'm going to consult with my budget, I don't want to have an inconvenient
diet for
the remaining 20 years of my life.
I have an impression that I have no other choice but to get the implant
[Note] remove the stitches ; 抜糸する (stitch ; 縫い糸)、on someone's visit ; 人の訪問時に
consult with 〜 ; 〜と相談する、 diet ; 食生活、
hve an impression that 〜 ; (that以下)という漠然とした感じを持っている、〜と思っている
have no other choice but to 〜 ; 〜する以外に選択肢がない、〜せざるを得ない
I regret I didn't take good care of my mouth while young.
It's too late for regrets now.
I might have to survive by eating haze for several years.
[Note] it's too late for regrets now ; 今更悔やんでも後の祭りです
Japanese Diary archive / No.1011-2021.02.08 / 「インプラント治療を決意」