徒然草津生活 Since 2010 (2号館)

Weekly Topics/Archive
July 2020

Hange rain (Hange-ame in Japanese)          No.278-July.5, 2020

 This year hangesho was July 1 (or from July 1 to July 5).
Hangesho is one of the same seasonal days (zassetsu /
雑節) in the Japanese calender as Setsubun (the traditional end of winter /節分) and Nyubai (the setting-in of the rainy season /入梅).

 Zassetsu means standard days signifying the changing of the seasons that were
born of Japanese life and culture.

 Hangesyo in the zassetsu is also the only calender day which is adopted from 72 ko (Shichijuni ko /
72侯) days.

 72 ko days mean the calender days which are made from dividing the 24 sekki of
a year further by three(
初侯、次侯、末侯) to signify the change in the weather, animals
and plants.

 Hangesyo is the last seasonal term (
末侯) of Geshi (summer solstice /夏至) in the 24 sekki (Nijushisekki),the 11th day after Geshi and/or for 5 days from the day.
To put it by date, it is around July 2 and/or a period between July 2 and July 6.
It's just a day in the middle of the year.
We are already halfway through this year while getting involved in COVID-19 trouble.

[Note]  hangesho ; 半夏生、zassetsu;雑節、Setsubun (the traditional end of winter);節分
 Nyubai (the setting-in of the rainy season);入梅、signify 〜;〜を表す、〜を示す、〜を知らせる
 72 ko (Shichijuni ko) days;72侯、Geshi (summer solstice); 夏至、 by date; 日付で
 get (become) involved in trouble; 騒ぎに巻き込まれる

 As posted on my web page (Diary.374-2011.07.02/「半夏生) in the past, there is
a custom of eating an octopus on Hangesyo in the Kansai region.
The supermarket was having a massive sale on octopuses this year too.

 Rice farmers have long considered that they have to finish rice planting by Hangesyo.
So, it is said that the custom of eating octopus was born in the hope that rice plants
take root firmly on the ground like octopus legs.

[Note] have (hold) a sale on 〜 ; 〜のセールをする、 massive ; 大々的に
rice planting ; 田植え、 rice plants ; イネの苗、 take root : 根付く
  in the hope that 〜 ; [that 以下]ということを願って、

Saururus chinensis
(Reference)Wikipedia_Saururus chinensis
The name of Hangesyo comes from the fact that the medical plants “Saururus chinensis” blooms around this time.
It's also called “Katashirogusa (
片白草)” or “Hangesyo (半化粧)” because the leaves just
under the flower turn white in the flowering stage.
It's the plant like this you've seen before.

 Well, let's get to the main topic.
According to
Wikipedia_「半夏生,the rain falling
around this time is called Hange rain
(Hange-ame in Japanese) and it's often heavy rain

[Note] Saururus chinensis ; ハンゲショウ(植物)、medical plants ; 薬草
  in the flowering stage ; 開花期に、 Hange rain ; 半夏雨

 Yesterday (on July 2), Kumamoto and Kagoshima prefectures had record rainfall
under the influence of Baiu front and so the emergency warning sign of heavy rain
They had the great disasters due to landslides and flooding of the Kuma-gawa River,
etc. occuring one after another.
That was just Hange rain !

The frame of TV news program broadcasting the damage due to heavy rain in Kyushu

 Even though I was going to enjoy sailing off the coast of Ito on the Izu Peninsula and
then a berbeque after landing on Hatsushima island today, it got cancelled due to rain.
I indeed feel indignant at the Hange rain.

[Note] have record rainfall ; 記録的な量の雨が降る(大雨に見舞われる)
  Baiu front (rainy front); 梅雨前線、have the warning sign ; 警報が出ている
  landslide ; 土砂崩れ、 occure one after another ; 相次ぐ、次かな次へと起こる
  get cancelled ; 中止になる、 feel indignant at 〜 ; 〜が恨めしい、〜に憤りを感じる

Japanese Diary archive / No.984-2020.07.05 / 「半夏雨(はんげあめ)」
