徒然草津生活 Since 2010 (2号館)

Weekly Topics/Archive
May 2020

My self-restraint life in Kusatsu after evacuating from Yokohama
to avoid coronavirus infection(4/4) ―Cycling along Lake Biwa―

                                      No.277-May 14, 2020

 Today is a refreshing sunny day in May.
It's wasteful to stay home on a day like this.
So I went for a cycle ride to the lakeside of Lake Biwa without hesitation.

 This is the first time for me to travel with my bicycle using public transportation this year.
First、I'm cycling from JR Omihachiman Station to Sazanami-kaido Road.
And then、I enjoy cycling on the road to my home in kusatsu.
I decided to take the opposite direction this time.

 After I stopped at the bike shop to blow up bike tubes and bought bike gloves that forgot
to bring, I pedalled to JR Kusatsu station.

 I packed my bike in a bicycle bag and then took the10:31 local train for Maibara to get to Omihachiman station.
As you can see, there were very few passengers in the train.

[Note] a refreshing sunny day in May ; 五月晴れ、It's wasteful to do 〜; 〜するのはもったいない
  go for a cycle ride ; サイクリングに出かける、without hesitation ; 躊躇せずに、ためらわずに
 travel with one's bicycle using public transportation ; 輪行する
 take the opposite direction ; 逆のコースを行く
 blow up (pump up) a bike tire (tube) ; タイヤ(チューブ)に空気を入れる

At JR Kusatsu St. (2020.05.14_10:29) On the JR train with very few passengers

 After assebling my bike at the station, I left at 11:05.
I go straight ahead on the station road toward Mt.Hachiman

The local people here may be voluntarily refraining from going out in response to the
declaration of a state of emergency over coronavirus too.
There are few people on the road.
Blue sky and atmosphere in May!.
As I'm cycling, I feel really refreshed.

[Note]  go straight ahead ; 真っ直ぐ進む、 station road ; 駅前通り
 refrain voluntarily from doing 〜 ; 〜するのを自粛する、 in response to 〜 ; 〜を受けて、に応えて
 declaration of a state of emergency over coronavirus ; コロナウイルスの緊急事態宣言
 feel refreshed ; 爽やかな気分になる

Boomerang street heading toward Mt.Hachiman(Omihachiman City) (2020.05.14_11:08)

 Today's cycling route is shown on Google Map below.

Today's cycling route along Lake Biwa (2020.05.14)

 I got to Hakuun-bashi bridge whichi is a scenic spot of Hachiman-bori canal.
The view from here is quaint whenever we come, isn't it?
Ordinarily this area is crowded with many tourist but today it's not so.

[Note] Hachiman-bori canal ; 八幡堀、Hakuuun-bashi bridge ; 白雲橋
 quaint ; 風情のある、古風な趣のある、  ordinarily ; 通常、いつもなら

On Hakuun-bashi bridge over Hachiman-bori canal (2020.05.14_11:17)

 I also stopped at nearby Himure Shrine.
The shrine was completely deserted.

[Note] Himure Shrine ; 日牟禮神社

In front of Himure Shrine (2020.05.14_11:20)

 After leaving Hachiman-bori canal, I head to Sazanami-kaido road along Lake Biwa.
Here are rural landscapes in the Omi region.
Some are paddy fields which rice planting was finished, and others are paddy fields waiting
for it.
How idyllic these scene are!

[Note] Sazanami-kaido road ; さざ波街道、 rural landscape ; 田園風景
 Some 〜, and others 〜 : 〜のものもあれば〜のものもある、  idyllic ; のどかな

                 Pls click the picture to see a full size version
Paddy area around Suigo no Sato Maruyama in Omihachimab City (2020.05.14_11:32)

 I stopped at the boat bording point at Suigo no Sato Maruyama.
It was also temporarily closed.
Many Yakatabune for tour of Suigo were waiting impatiently for tourists.

[Note] Suigo no Sato Maruyama ; 水郷の里まるやま (Maruyama is one of the Home of Suigo.)
 Yakatabune (A roofed rowing boat) ; 屋形船(屋根付き手こぎボート)
 Suigo (waterside/riverside/lakeside area); 水郷、 wait impatiently for 〜 ; 〜を待ちわびる

Yakatabune(a roofed rowing boat) for touring Suigo (at Suigo no Sato Maruyama
in Omihachiman City) (2020.05.14_11:34)

 Sadanami-kaido Road is just across Watarai-bashi bridge over Chomeiji River.
You can see Mt. Mikami called Omi-Fuji away beyond the river.
This scenery would make quit a picture!

[Note] Watarai-bashi bridge ; 渡合橋、 Chomeiji River ; 長命寺川
 away beyond 〜 ; 〜のはるか向こうに (away ; 離れたところに、beyond ; の向こうに、の彼方に)
 S would make a picture. ; Sは絵になる、 quit a ; なかなかの、本当に素晴らしい

The view of Chomeiji River and Omi-Fuji(Mt.Mikami) (2020.05.14_12:35)

 It's just time for lunch.
I head to my favorite restaurant at Mizuguki-yaki Togei no Sato.
As I expected, notice of temporary closure was put here on the door to prevent the spread of
the coronavirus.
I decided to have lunch at Kusatsu Michinoeki after riding a little more,

[Note] Mizuguki-yaki Togei no Sato(Pottery class with cafe restaurant); 水茎焼陶芸の里
 Pottery art class ; 陶芸教室、 Pottery art ; 陶芸a little more ; もうしばらく
 notice of temporary closure ; 臨時休業の張り紙Michinoeki ; 道の駅(roadside station)
 (Reference) Michinoeki (Roadside station) is the rest house located in the open
          roads equipped with parking lots, rest rooms, restaurants and souvenir
          shops selling local products.

At Mizuguki-yaki Togei no Sato(Pottery art class with cafe restaurant) (2020.05.14_11:52)

 I go straight ahead on the Sadanami-kaido Road for Kusatsu while seeing Lake Biwa on my
I occasionally come across cyclists or walkers, but I have almost the place to myself.

 I entered Yasu City through Omihachiman City.
At 12:35, I got to Nakasu-Ohashi Bridge at the mouth of Yasu-gawa River.
It was 40 minutes after leaving Mizuguki Tougei no Sato.
I took a short break here while seeing Omi-Fuji (Mt.Mikami) called breast-shaped hill.

[Note] the mouth of Yasu-gawa River ; 野洲川河口、 take a short break ; 小休止する
 I (We) have the place to myself (ourselves). ; 貸し切り状態です
 breast-shaped hill ; おっぱい型の山

The view of Omi-Fuji(Mt.Mikami) from Nakasu Ohashi Bridge
at the mouth of Yasu-gawa River (2020.05.14_12:35)

 I enter Moriyama City just when crossing Yasu-gawa River.
Biwako-Ohashi Bridge, with elegant silhouette making a shallow curve over Lake Biwa, looks

[Note] Moriyama City ; 守山市、 Yasu-gawa River ; 野洲川、make a curve ; 曲線を描く

The view of Biwako Ohasi Bridge (2020.05.14_12:51)

 I entered Kusatsu City.
The Road sign saying “Kusatsu City 11 Km”.

[Note] road sign ; 道路標識

Sazanami-kaido Road entering Kusatsu City here (2020.05.14_13:07)

 I got to Karasuma peninsula in Kusatsu.
I can't see the windmil called Kusatsu Yume Huusya that is a landmark in Kusatsu City.
I guess it might be discontinued and demolished because the wind generation system was
in red every year due to some trouble.
The view of Omi-Fuji from here is really nice!
There used to be colony of lotus here on the lake

[Note] Kusatsu Yume Huusya ; くさつ夢風車、 discontinued ; 廃止された、中止された
 demolish ; 撤去する、 be in red every year ; 毎年赤字続き、 used to 〜 ; 以前は〜だった
 colony of lotus ; ハス(蓮)の群落

The view of Omi-Fuji(Mt.Mikami) from Karasuma peninsula (2020.05.14_13:13)

 I stopped at Karasuma memorial park,too.
There are a big silver arched monument and unique carvings in stone as before.
I used to be able to see Kusatsu Yume Huusya inside the arch until 2 years ago.

[Note] carving in stone ; 石の彫刻、

Arched monument at the park
Two-year-old arched monument at the park

 I stopped at Rock Bay Garden at Kusatsu Michinoeki nearby for lunch, but it was temporarily
closed as was expected.
It was postoponed again. Aw, man!

 I pedal for Kusatsu again.
I say goodbye to Sazanami-kaido Road at the mouth of Hayamagawa River after about
10 minutes of cycling and then enter the Hayamagawa Cycle Road.

[Note] be temporarily closed ; 臨時休業している、 Aw, man! ; トホホ、何てこったい
 Hayamagawa River ; 葉山川

On Hayamagawa River cycling road (2020.05.14_13:40)

 At 13:55、I arrived at home after cycling in the countryside.
Today's travel distance was 43.5 Km.

 Today, I was freed myself from such a lifestyle as we has been placed in confinement at
So, I could enjoy cycling with a clea mind.
Anyway, I got hungry.
I will go out for late lunch at a local restaurant .

[Note] placed in confinement at home ; 家に閉じこもって外に出ない、蟄居の身である
 be freed oneself from 〜; 〜から解放される、 with a clea mind ; すっきりした気持で

Japanese Diary archive / No.978-2020.05.14 /
