徒然草津生活 Since 2010 (2号館)

Weekly Topics/Archive
March 2020

Thinking about the spread of new coronavirus   No.274-Mar.17, 2020

 Today, WHO declared new coronavirus infection spread as pandemic at last.
The pandemic means such a situation as desease like infection is spread over a wide
area (worldwide) at the same time and is out of control.

[Note] WHO=World Health Organization、世界保健機構, infection ; 感染
 declare A as B ; AをBと宣言する、coronavirus infection ; コロナウイルス感染症

 At the end of last year, unknown infection disease was first identified in Wuhan,
Hube Province, China.
New coronavirus was detected in pathogen early in this year.
It's said the infection spread after the traditional event, "万家宴", held before Chinese
New Year, "Chun-jie" in Chinese.

[Note] infection disease ; 感染症、identify ; (本物であることを)確認する、特定する
 Wuhan, Hube Province, China ; 中国の湖北省武漢市、pathogen ; 病原体
 Chinese New Year ; 春節(中国語でChun-jie)

 Although the unusual measure to seal off Wuhan, 11 million city, was taken by
Chinese Government , coronavirus has spread rapidly all over the world.
The number of infected people is approaching 125,000 in 118 countries and regions
of the world.

[Note] seal off ; 封鎖する

 An excellent statistics in which the actual conditions can be seen visually and also
digitally has delivered over the internet.
(I knew it with a e-mail sent by Mr.K.T who was on a bussiness trip arround the world
except China.)
It's Johns Hopkins CSSE Data below.


[Note] statistics ; (収集された)統計データ、統計学、actual conditions ; 実態
 Johns Hopkins ; ジョンズ・ホプキンス大学
 CSSE=Conference of State Sanitary Engineers、州厚生技術会議

 The situation has become serious.
Even in Japan, people have disappeared from the street.
Factories have been forced to reduce production capacity and therefore non-regular
workers have begun to become unemployed or to be exposed to reduction in income.
Furthermore, some femail workers have been faced with childcare difficulties due to
school closure.

[Note] be forced to ~ ; ~を余儀なくされる、non-regular workers ; 非正規労働者
 become unemployed ; 失業する、be exposed to ~ ; ~にさらされる、~を受ける
 reduction in income ; 減収、childcare difficulties ; 育児困難
 school closure ; 学校閉鎖、休校

 Even if the infection people can be identified, the biggest bottleneck in infection
disease control is the lack of remedies.
People are irritated at difficulty to predict how long this crisis will last and when it will

[Note] remedy ; 治療薬、be irritated at (by, about) ~ ; ~にいらいらする、歯がゆい
 converge ; 収束する

 Maybe this won't converge within a month or two and will be longer.
It's because the number of infected people continue to increase not only in Japan
but also in the wold and also there aren't any specific medicine for coronavirus
Maybe the 2020 Olympics will be postponed.

[Note] specific medicine ; 特効薬

 I've been thinking of something like this recently.
Could the spread of infection disease be further amplified as a result of coronavirus
infection in animals soon?
We have ever had pig cholera and bird flu!
I'm worried about whether pig and/or bird have coronavirus infection or not.
Is it OK for us to eat these meats without knowing it?

[Note] pig cholera ; 豚コレラ、bird flu ; 鳥インフルエンザ
 have an infection ; 感染する.

 I'm worried because such veterinary findings have not been published by the Japanese government.
I imagine they are already under investigation at some laboratorries in the world.
I hope this will not happen.
The fight against unknown virus will continue in the future.

[Note] veterinary ; 獣医学的、findings ; 知見

Japanese Diary archive / No.968-2020.03.12 /
